Monday, November 5, 2012

Sooooo Cal!

This new adventure before us. We place all our expectations in Christ Jesus and Him alone. I find myself OUT of the box of contrived ministry with its predictable and mundane behavior. NOW we venture even further out of our comfort zone, leaving the confines of religion further than we have even been to date. Not comfortable BUT trusting God.

We are not surrounded by Christianese word-speak in our daily walk nor do we worship in predictable settings. Marvin and I are on the move. That is our Christianity. Please keep reading.

I want to walk, live and move in Christ. How to explain this? We are living without a Christian template of meetings-receiving concept, which formed the early years of my Christian life. Right now there is only a few of us and we ARE the church. We are moving in a relationship-mentoring-equipping model based so beautifully on what Jesus Himself embodied in His life.

How does this play out in the practical day to day? I don’t attend a church but I am in Christ and my Christianity is alive and well – IN CHRIST where it should be. For those of you in a more traditional setting of church, well okay…it’s just not us.

For years, Marvin and I have been moving in Christ, obeying, exploring, worshipping, in relationship with other Christians, studying, traveling, and so much more. So very good – all of it. This last year, 2012, in Finland, has taught us some powerful lessons. Our characters are refined and our walk encompasses more wisdom in Christ.

Many people feel we are so BUSY in ministry – so OUT and ABOUT, yet, in reality that is so far from reality in our lives. I have had few, if any invitations to preach and minister over the past 5 years or more. It has made me feel at times as if I had lost all favor with God but I see now that is so untrue.

We have rented buildings in Finland and the States in 2010-2012, believing with all our hearts that we were called to equip, raise up people and establish a spiritual house for God. Yet, in these years, few people came to meetings and financial support was almost nothing. Yet we continued to obey. Right now, in Rivers of Eden, after all these years there are only 3 of us, a three-fold cord. Here I sit, today, feeling in sync with God but so out of sync with so much else. My “ministry resume” seems totally void and lackluster if success is measured according to the world’s standards. Yet, my relationship with Christ is alive and vibrant, exciting and fresh.

So what now? It seems like I am always writing to each of you something about our ‘new beginnings’ and our ‘new places’. We thank God for all He has taught us for these past years. We have found ourselves bored, distracted, broken, empty, angry, jealous, upset, discouraged, depressed, let down, alone, lonely, impatient – and so much more. Yes there has also been joy and peace and rest. For years He has asked me “Am I enough?” I said, “Yes” but now I know, yes I truly know, my heart was not ready. BUT NOW!!!! I am – ready! For what? I don’t know. I just feel ready to MOVE. I am prepared. In Him. For Him. However He moves us out. I am very excited.

I am a preacher who has not really preached for years now. Yes a few things here and there but not in the flow I had anticipated.

I am a prophet with few if any people listening to what I feel God is saying through me.  I have no platform or iconic ministry conference but I persevere because I can do no less for the call on my life is sure and real.

I am a minister of the Lord and a leader and yet, there are few people willing to follow as I follow Christ.

I can readily see the reality in what I am saying because pride has fallen away for the most part. Where there is nothing to prove, there is nothing to lose. Selah with a big smile. I walk in my imperfections day by day, knowing that He is enough for ME.  I hold every promise that God has given to me that I have yet to see, for He is faithful, truly faithful.

We leave Finland on December 6, ready for our move to SoCal (Southern California). We are Nor Cal people (Northern Cali) so it is a new place for us. God truly surprised us in this upcoming move.

My FOCUS based upon reality yet knowing by faith nothing is impossible for God and in God.

Writing a book
Final Cut Pro Classes for more videos and advanced stuff to travel into the nations with as God leads
A New Website (I have the vision – are there any graphic designers out there to do this for us?)
Social media such as FB and Twitter to keep in touch with people
Waiting and trusting God to open the nations (Including the USA) to us as He has promised
New relationships in a new place in Christ and those who don’t even know Him yet

We will settle in SoCal – in between Orange County and San Diego. I feel joyful inside for change feels good at this point – for all of us. Up to this point, life has rarely gone the way that I have expected or intended. Do I hear an amen from so many of you? Yet, I feel alive.

SoCal here we come. We leave Finland with no regrets. We have truly learned a lot while here and perhaps, when the people are ready for Rivers of Eden, we will be asked back to equip and mentor apostolically and prophetically. Until then, off we go! Amen!

In Christ
Debra (& Marvin)

Monday, October 22, 2012

Grace Confrontation - What Else To Call It? I Don't Know

In life, we are inevitably confronted with our imperfections. Speaking out of turn, a misplaced action aimed at another, self-centered actions motivated by our own insecurities, etc. etc. etc. There are countless ways each day that we show forth our own humanity and its total imperfection apart from being in Christ. Our response to seeing these imperfections in our lives can be a defense of our actions, which are wrong.  We can illicit our friends' compassions in order to hear that we are not quite so bad. We can stand firm in our defense by claiming we are stressed or whatever.

BUT.....the most obvious response should be forgiveness, quick and sure- asking for it and receiving it. Even forgiving ourselves is important to forego the endless stress of self-condemnation and guilt which often occurs in our own lives. We can often accuse ourselves in the secret recesses of our thought life. Forgiveness toward others and ourselves means we are perfectly imperfect in our humanity and without Christ, we are nothing and can do nothing. We give ourselves no excuse except to walk in humility and grace towards ourselves and towards others. We are perfectly human in union with Christ, new creatures walking in a day by day revelation of that simple truth. Ups and downs, ins and outs - life graces us in Christ to walk and move in Him. We are in Christ and in grace we live and have life.

The enemy or the devil who is alive and well, waiting for the misplaced moments in our lives to pounce on our imperfections levels charges at us  of "Guilty! Guilty! You worthless pitiful creature!" It is at these moments when you don't turn and run. You look at the situation smack dab in the face. Receive the grace of Jesus Christ which totally exposes these same imperfections in which the enemy brings accusations towards you. His grace exposes but loves you without measure for you are an imperfect human in union with a perfect Christ.

His grace knows all along you can't do anything without Him or apart from Him so this does not bring any surprises to Him.  In grace you walk and you move and you live and you be in His perfection - the perfection of the shed blood of Jesus Christ and the finished glorious work of the cross which has given you victory to overcome. What? Any and all circumstances, accusations, situations. Who? The devil who has been conquered and defeated by our glorious Risen Savior. How? By revelation in the reality that you can do nothing apart from Christ. This is freedom, my friends. Not freedom to coast in life but freedom to shake the accusations off of  your life, and to walk again, to move again, to live again, in complete assurance that in your humanity, you are in union with Christ. 

Monday, October 15, 2012

Words of Wisdom - Don't Touch My Substance!

Don't let them touch your substance - a lesson in life!

A friend once told me years ago "Child, don't let them touch your substance! That is your place in God in Christ - who He made you and how much He loves you! You are IN HIM!"

This word became incredibly alive to me years later when someone said these words to me. "You are poisonous!" This was a grace filled Christian who expounds on grace daily and yet I heard these words coming from this person. This was a charge leveled at me of great magnitude and the word 'poisonous' itself was a word filled with great density and strength. When leveled at me, I can accept it or reject it. Yet I knew it came forth from a well of unresolved anger within the person speaking to me. Then I heard Ollie's words......."Child don't let them touch your substance!"

I rejected the word, for the most part BUT the enemy did not forget that this charge had been leveled at me and continued to use this lie to come against me. It was a lie but he was disguising it as truth as to what I really was. I was poisonous! He said it daily to me and the ramifications of this attack was that I experienced a type of SPIRITUAL VERTIGO, being thrown off balance and under attack. I reeled under the condemnation of this word for days.

I began to doubt myself and came under condemnation in great ways. This word declared that something in me, my substance was wrong. I was wrong for the accusation was that I was poisonous. There is a big difference in saying something we may say is off as opposed to the implication that we are off. Big difference!

ONE WORD - ONE WORD brought accusation and condemnation in great waves because the enemy is quick to pounce on the words that come out of our mouth whether they are sarcasm or anger or fear or whatever. That one word had DENSITY and strength within it and it was fueled by the devil to attack my person and my being in Christ. Who I was came under attack, not my actions but who I was. That is demonic, fleshy and just plain evil. It was a hard lesson but I learned so much in those days.

We may be all be capable of leveling charges at another for out of the abundance of our mouth, our heart speaks...............our words betray our hearts. Others can make an assessment on our actions which spring forth from a wound in our hearts which may definitely require healing BUT they cannot annihilate our being. No one, and I mean no one, can attack that inner place in Christ, your substance, Jesus Christ in you by saying such words. I am not that and  you are not are in Him, I am in Him, perfectly in His love and in His grace. This vicious attack taught me a grand lesson which brought  an immense peace and stability to my life because of it. Words I receive and words I reject.

I receive words of correction in love and grace even though they may be strong in nature. I reject that which is said in sarcasm or in anger to undermine my person in Christ. I have done that in years past and I can see plainly now what comes forth from anger and what does not. I speak truth now about this in humility holding myself accountable to my own words coming forth from my mouth. So here I stand......I am not poisonous and you are not unlovely, unworthy, a failure, a mistake, or whatever words of condemnation come to undermine who you are in Christ. You are in process and all of us have days where we regret saying some things or doing some things. That is understandable and thank God for grace. Separate that which is evil from that which is good. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Bet On The Long Shot!

Bet on the Long Shot! Please don't get all religious on me okay? My dad loved the races and I spent some of my formative years in race tracks- Arlington Park in Chicago was one. I learned a few things during that time which benefit me greatly now.  NO this is not about gambling but about horses. My advice prophetically- gotta BET ON THE LONG SHOT at times rather than go for a sure thing that appears to have better odds. My dad used to bet conservatively because he loved the thrill of the race, not actually the betting. He would say "Bet on the long shot. They look good and u get a better return." I believe that is many of us today. Overlooked, seemingly insignificant in light of iconic ministries abounding today, and basically forgotten yet we are like Secratariat, basically long shots without a proven record, until u let us RUN and then we show our stuff. Watch the video of this great horse via this movie which I believe we need to remember today. I remember watching the real race with my dad, the real deal. I still hear him say "What a great horse!" Anything prophetic you are hearing in this post is supposed to be that way. Prophetic in every way. In my time Lord, let me run. 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

More in Part 2 - Narcissism Shame Finland - Where Else?

Narcissism, Shame, Finland, Where Else?
Part 2

More thoughts. These thoughts could easily apply to many nations. For now, I am speaking to Finland for this is where I am called to speak this truth in love.  Each passing day comes a greater clarity in my life to truly SEE as the Lord shows me. I don't have the full picture. Who does? I speak my part in Christ.

Finland is shame based. As I have said, the basis of narcissism is shame. Let me review on this.

Narcissism is a continual focus on oneself and feeds into a carnal trinity of "Me, Myself & I". Shame is a disturbed painful feeling of guilt, incompetence, and unworthiness. Adam and Eve dealt with this in the Garden of Eden, running from God and people are still running from God while calling themselves Christians, in Finland and many other places. Shame sends us a continual demonic subliminal message that says, "You are wrong!" Believing that, denies the reality of Jesus Christ and the Finished Work of the Cross where He took all sin, shame, and guilt upon Himself so that you are free in your salvation.

What perpetuates narcissism?
Any teaching, movement, revival focus, prophetic focus, breakthrough focus, conference focus that places an emphasis on new revelation, iconic speakers, imparted anointings, something else that is needed, one more prayer, one more, I can speak about this off and denies the Finished Work of the Cross. I know of what I speak for I have traveled the journey of seeking it all and finding NOTHING until I found grace in the person of Christ.

In order to truly be free and to live free, Finland must walk in the revelation of Christ and the Finished Work of the Cross. From that point of entry, comes life in Christ. You are a new creation in Christ in salvation. You believe upon His death and His shed blood to enter into resurrection life. Why is there so much taught contrary to this simplicity? More on this later.

Religion, law, denominational bondage and more moves on a foundation of performance that one needs to DO more for Christ to BE more for Christ. Maybe it is not always said but it is heavily implied into people's lives. It keeps the wheels turning in religion and finances many ministries all over the world. Sad but true.

Here's the deal simple and true. No Christian leader and no Christian for that matter can avoid this reality. It is in this reality that one finds life.

Galatians 2:20-21
I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life, which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. 21 I do not set aside the grace of God; for if righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died in vain.

If you are still seeking life while bypassing the call to die, you are not living. For to live IS CHRIST and IN CHRIST through the power of the cross. You can't truly live without facing the cross and your own death in Christ. Then you live as a new creation. You come into LIFE through His death. Then, you are a new creation. You are not being called to be sustained on life-support. You are called to pull the plug on everything you know as life and enter into His life in your salvation. Many things called Christianity in Finland is often a message to sustain your life apart from the cross.

2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

Paul continues to talk about His own life that was empowered by the revelation of the person of Christ. Shouldn't it also be that way today? Yes of course it should. Yet I see Christianity majoring on the peripheral edges of shallowness without actually coming to terms with what Christianity actually centers around - Jesus Christ. There is a simplicity in this revelation that inspires and imparts a passion for maturity. This cannot be imparted into one at an altar call or is not a quick fix. Leaders cannot impart this without this revelation coming alive within their own life. Therefore I speak to leaders here in Finland and anywhere for that matter. Read on. I may be quite simplistic in my approach but it is truly simple. I speak not from a position of self-righteousness for I have walked this and am walking it every day of my life in assuming any position of leadership in Christ.

2 Corinthians 4:12
So then death is working in us, but life in you.

In a leader, there are no shortcuts to maturity. If you shortcut the process, you raise up a people who are basically as immature as you. In this verse above, Paul is simply saying, "I impart to YOU what I have died to in myself. I no longer live but Christ lives in me. Let me give you Jesus Christ."

In putting Jesus Christ forth, you turn from any form of Narcissism that promotes the self. Leaders who will not acknowledge their absolute nothingness apart from Christ have nothing to give of Christ. They only give themselves and their flesh. Narcissism is at its best when it can find a leader that will bypass the cross to gain a reputation, bringing in that which satisfies the flesh of people. So we see iconic personalities coming into Finland, new movements, and so-called that the fault of the people or of leaders or of both? Perhaps God is simply giving Finland what it is crying out for and leaders are listening to the cries of people and not God. Not all...not all...I am not addressing all but challenging many here today. Not passing judgment or condemnation but reality. Reality brings us into truth in the person of Christ and then all illusion is gone and we face the simple fact that we are nothing without Him. Read on.

Leading from a point of humility, brokenness, life in Christ requires transparency and honesty. You die to any self-interests and all reputation. You forgo wondering what people think or moving forth by their expectations in a fear of man and not a fear of God. Maturity in a leader is forged by looking at the cross of Christ as a starting point and realizing that without Him you are nothing, can be nothing and do nothing. Then from that point, you move forth in freedom and liberty in grace, caring not what others think or feel for you are focused on His affirmation in His grace.  

One can build a large church without Christ.
One can host so called 'cutting edge' conferences without Christ.
One can dumb people down with a shallow preaching of Scripture that focuses on self-effort or performance and be quite successful in preaching to needs.
One can appear in the eyes of man as having it all going on, yet be bankrupt and empty.

I speak of what I know for I have walked it. Now I stand in the righteousness and grace that I have found in Christ Jesus. That is indeed freedom in my life. His burden is easy and His yoke is light and freedom feels good.

My challenge to you today:

Forgo anything labeled as 'cutting edge', new breakthrough, new revelation, constant crying out in intercession and so much more.
Forgo anyone pulling you to listen to an iconic leader to gain a much needed anointing.
Forgo any pressure to run with the crowds.
Turn back to discipleship of people, congregations so that, in effect, you raise up people in maturity and work yourself out of a position that is dependent on immaturity in people.
Speak a language of grace in the person of Christ Jesus.

How desperately Finland needs leaders who will take a stand and not follow or copy or mimic another nation. Leaders who will walk in love but not fear people. Leaders who will walk seeking maturity in Christ Jesus.

Come out of the shadows! Finland needs you now.

More coming.

Debra Westbrook
Rivers of Eden

Friday, August 10, 2012

Narcissism, Shame, Finland - Where Else?

Narcissism, Shame, Finland, Where Else?
Part 1

Here I go again. More thoughts. I pray you follow me in these for they are for good and not for condemnation. I am not generalizing but focusing on my observations over the years of living and ministering in Finland. May they bless you solely for the purpose of change and growth! Rise up in the personal responsibility of your Christianity. Forsake all for Christ. In the revelation of His grace, the finished work of the cross, you will find freedom. With that revelation comes personal responsibility to grow up and mature. It is time to grow up! For all of us.

Finland – a nation that is shame based. That is quite obvious and one sees it everywhere when one lives here. I no longer visit. I live here. It is easier to bring ministers in that don’t live here. They come and go by droves. And people flock to them like little children. But, living here is a whole other matter.

Finland – shame based. More conferences, more revivals, more this, more that has come and gone to make many people here immature without a true revelation of discipleship, the purpose of their salvation and so much more. The focus on much of this has been a Carnal Trinity of “Me, Myself and I” which caters to people’s flesh. The leaders may foster this by not leading and truly allowing God to bring them into brokenness, honesty and transparency before they go before the people. Where is discipleship? More about that coming later. For now I will comment that Paul says in Corinthians that he imparts that to which he dies to. What does that mean? It means that unless the cross personally confronts you in your own life, you have nothing to say. Get the picture?

Over the years I have watched prophetic conferences where people hungered insatiably for a prophetic word, even taking a number to receive something from someone saying something that many times was general and fleshy. I felt pressured to do prophecy after prophecy in our meetings here in Finland in times past over the years. I have since repented for following the needs of the people rather than God. I won’t do that again. That brought me into anger and a hatred for Finland because I felt compromised. Now I actually love this nation but I am not afraid to confront for I have lost the fear of man.

Then comes inner healing where people want to sort through their emotional needs and talk endlessly about their rejection, their pain, their wounds, their lack of love. This has perpetuated into a continual movement of immaturity where people again settle into a revelation of the Carnal Trinity “Me, Myself and I”. They seek an answer to this question “What’s in this for me?” What about God?

Then comes Daddy, Papa, Father – a revelation that one needs only to have Daddy revealed to them and all will be okay. Climb upon His lap and all your troubles will go. There is nothing actually wrong with that but when perpetuated without a revelation of maturity in grace, we stay immature. We are told to follow Christ and with that being true, how many of the Daddy people are willing to go the cross to be dealt with as mature sons and daughters and not babies avoiding responsibility. You can’t find the Father apart from Christ. Again this may sound strong. It’s supposed to be. Waking someone up from sleep is our call to this nation and I have said, “yes” to God. The love that resides in me for Finland is a love that accepts suffering so that others may live. Here’s a verse:

Colossians 1:27-29
To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Him we preach warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus. To this end I also labor, striving according to His working which works in me mightily.

The sad thing is that many things start off good but when sidetracked into a self-focus and a denial of the cross of Christ, His grace and the finished work of the cross, it all becomes just a place where people think about themselves, analyze themselves, dwell on themselves, what God can do for them, how God meets their needs, and on and on and on. Is there any wonder why the Body of Christ in Finland and in many other places is immature? Perhaps it does not apply to you. That is okay but this is what I am seeing over and over here.

The apostolic and the prophetic is about bringing people into maturity and equipping people into that maturity. This anointing is not about raising babies but about sons and daughters who seek Jesus Christ and what has been accomplished on the cross. In that continuing revelation of freedom, one then comes to know the Father and their purpose in their Christianity in time. Why is it that Finland accepts evangelists, pastors and teachers yet there is a rejection of the apostolic and the prophetic unless it is presented on their terms? God sends apostles and prophets here. They come and they go. Have you noticed? We are staying. We love a challenge in Christ. Yet when He says go, we will go but God will continue to send them because He loves Finland.

Now back to shame. It is the foundation of narcissism. Narcissism is a continual focus on oneself – the carnal trinity of “Me myself and I”. Narcissism is alive in Finland because of shame. Shame continually causes people to hide from reality because they can’t and don’t want to face it. It is only facing reality that one gets healed and set free. Reality is faced at the cross where Jesus took all shame upon him and died to set us free from sin and shame and guilt, etc. etc. We are forgiven. Selah.

One can bypass this teaching by appealing to the needs of people and that makes you popular but it does not raise mature Christians. It raises a people who are immature and constantly looking for satisfaction in their flesh to feel good, to feel better, to feel loved, to feel welcome. Let me break this down. Apart from Christ, we are nothing. We have nothing. We can do nothing. Until Finns and all of us in the Body of Christ bypass this incessant desire to seek satisfaction apart from the cross, we will always believe there is something good in us. There is nothing good in you - only Christ. The cross and the awakening of this revelation in Finland will set people free to mature and actually LIVE, not survive from conference fix to another, from one revival fix to another. To truly LIVE in Christ.

More coming………..
In Christ
Debra Westbrook