Saturday, January 22, 2011

Truth Will Find YOU!

Truth! You can't get away from it. Can't go around it, over it, under it, or avoid it. If you are following Jesus wholeheartedly and desire to grow and mature, truth will find you. Truth will confront you. Truth will confound you. BUT, Truth will set you free. I have no doubt about that at all. No doubt.

The underlying foundation of what I will write this year is always Scripture. God's word is truth and is not compromised or unclear. Truth in God's word is absolute and in that, I stand. I don't always have to quote Scripture to walk in the reality of what I believe to be true. Truth should flow from me if I am walking with my Lord and people should SEE truth emanating from my life. Then I can speak truth. Get it?

Truth is generally inconvenient. By that I mean, it comes to us when God sees that it is necessary to confront us, in His timing. He looks into the depth of our being and sees our need for wholeness and the only thing that brings wholeness in our salvation is truth, His truth. With truth, we must trust.

Truth confronts and then we choose our response. We always choose our response. We are not clones or robots but we choose. It is personal responsibility to choose truth and to act on it. All of us must do that. We can't live in anyone else's truth. We live in His truth and He works it out in us according to His Word. Our lives are then built on the absolute revelation of His truth which is always stable and always sure in a world in chaos.

When truth confronts, we choose our response and they can be varied and diverse. We can be paralyzed in truth and need time to sort the revelation of it. We can object to truth and reject based upon an emotional response. We can be offended and argue our truth. We can make excuses. We can do a number of things. BUT truth is truth and Jesus said it clearly. Heaven and earth can pass away but My word will never pass away. Truth stands no matter what our response is. So, it is best to line up with Jesus, the absolute Truth. In Him, you cannot go wrong and He weaves a way through chaos.

Jesus said, "I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE." Believe it and receive it. It is not going away but is eternal and is forever.

Truth is desperately needed in the Body of Christ today. Not opinion. Not people pleasing stories. Not seeker friendly environments. People are seeking the truth and we have it. Truth confronts in the midst of chaos, lies, deception. Truth weaves its way through all of it with clarity and purpose.

So what I am I the Word of God. Read the Word of God. Read the Word of God. Know it and live it. There are no shortcuts. None.

A few more things to add right now. All of us have seen Truth come to us through individuals that were prideful, self-righteous, angry, and many other agendas. They come to attack and assault us. I am not saying to do that or to walk in that spirit. I am saying to speak truth but listen it comes.......

Before you can speak in truth that is powerful, the very truth you speak with authority and power must be worked out in your own life, in my own life. In other words, walk it and don't just talk it. Okay? Remember to allow His Truth to penetrate your own life. Sozo - your salvation is a grand process dependant on walking in revealed truth which makes you whole - body, soul and spirit. We are desperately in need of mature sons and daughters in the Kingdom here and now. Are you one of them? Then press past the childish things and allow truth in the person of Jesus Christ to have His way in your life. You will never look back. Freedom feels soooooooooo good my friends!

More coming......................

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Whole Truth and Nothing Else!

John 8:32 32 And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." NKJV

It is time to speak the truth or to say nothing at all. I was standing in the shower, contemplating 2011 and all that it holds for us - establishing Rivers of Eden, writing, traveling - whatever the Lord wants us to do. I was suddenly interrupted by seeing the word 'Truth' before me 3 times - Truth, Truth, Truth. There it was and there it proclaimed itself before me.

I knew it was a challenge to me personally but also to each of you. Are we ready to speak truth and also to receive truth, without any hesitation, qualification, justification, excuses, or any such thing? I am not sure what you will do but I have agreed to stand in truth, to proclaim truth, and to walk in truth which all in all, is contrary to so much of what I see right now in the United States. Since Marvin and I have been back to the States, I see so much delusion, confusion, mixture, deception and so much more that all I can say is that we, as Christians, will  be challenged each day, each hour, each moment with what is the reality of truth as opposed to what is accepted all around us as truth but in reality, it is a lie.

So I have been challenged today to speak forth what God is telling me to speak forth, to proclaim, to journal or in whatever manner He tells me to do it. Have I not been doing it? Oh yes I have been speaking truth but do you realize that to speak truth comes with a great cost and our God is so gracious that He shelters us with each step so that grace covers us as we walk forward in the reality of the Truth of His Word which is experientially worked out in our lives. We stand on truth when in need of healing. We walk in truth when the world walks in a lie and mocks and scoffs at our God. We proclaim truth when the world accepts a lie and we are challenged to go against the prevailing norm in society. I just realized this morning in the shower the cost of truth in my own life. Right here. Right now.  I realized that I am walking in a new realm now and these writings will reflect the strength of my character to speak forth and reach those who are both worshippers and warriors and walking in a fear of the Lord. I am reaching out to those who see that love is truly strong and powerful and not corrupted as I see  around me. Walking forth in truth without hesitation and in humility to speak as well as receive. I see so clearly now as I want to take this next step to become who God has called me to be all along. The light of His truth working in my life brings strength, wisdom, discernment, and so much more.

That is why I have not written much up until this point. I have weathered the past 10 years with great persecution coming at us from each way. And I have stood and am still standing BUT now God looks and His eye sees right through me as to the test of my character to stand amidst a world in chaos. To speak when it is not popular and to speak what He longs for me to say. So I am writing this to myself first and foremost as a declaration to myself to take a new step, a broad step into a new arena as a prophet and to walk in the reality of His way, no matter what the cost. Will you join me? I pray you do as we walk this journey together into a new way where the light is shining in the reality of His Living Word.

Each post will be Spirit lead - spoken in humility and grace. Some posts may sting as we see that we are in need of repentance. Some posts may humble us as we see the reality of His love. Some may challenge us to walk His way at a great cost to our own lives. But it will be truth - simple clear and uncompromised. It will not be spoken in pride or self-righteousness. It will not be spoken diluted or compromised. It is time we grow up. It is time to mature. I am ready. Are you? Let's go......................................................Truth...............all or nothing spoken from a heart that is abandoned to the reality of His grace and love towards me, His salvation which overwhelms me and strengthens me to live, right here right now. The world is in chaos. We, as Christians have in truth..........walk in