Monday, October 15, 2012

Words of Wisdom - Don't Touch My Substance!

Don't let them touch your substance - a lesson in life!

A friend once told me years ago "Child, don't let them touch your substance! That is your place in God in Christ - who He made you and how much He loves you! You are IN HIM!"

This word became incredibly alive to me years later when someone said these words to me. "You are poisonous!" This was a grace filled Christian who expounds on grace daily and yet I heard these words coming from this person. This was a charge leveled at me of great magnitude and the word 'poisonous' itself was a word filled with great density and strength. When leveled at me, I can accept it or reject it. Yet I knew it came forth from a well of unresolved anger within the person speaking to me. Then I heard Ollie's words......."Child don't let them touch your substance!"

I rejected the word, for the most part BUT the enemy did not forget that this charge had been leveled at me and continued to use this lie to come against me. It was a lie but he was disguising it as truth as to what I really was. I was poisonous! He said it daily to me and the ramifications of this attack was that I experienced a type of SPIRITUAL VERTIGO, being thrown off balance and under attack. I reeled under the condemnation of this word for days.

I began to doubt myself and came under condemnation in great ways. This word declared that something in me, my substance was wrong. I was wrong for the accusation was that I was poisonous. There is a big difference in saying something we may say is off as opposed to the implication that we are off. Big difference!

ONE WORD - ONE WORD brought accusation and condemnation in great waves because the enemy is quick to pounce on the words that come out of our mouth whether they are sarcasm or anger or fear or whatever. That one word had DENSITY and strength within it and it was fueled by the devil to attack my person and my being in Christ. Who I was came under attack, not my actions but who I was. That is demonic, fleshy and just plain evil. It was a hard lesson but I learned so much in those days.

We may be all be capable of leveling charges at another for out of the abundance of our mouth, our heart speaks...............our words betray our hearts. Others can make an assessment on our actions which spring forth from a wound in our hearts which may definitely require healing BUT they cannot annihilate our being. No one, and I mean no one, can attack that inner place in Christ, your substance, Jesus Christ in you by saying such words. I am not that and  you are not are in Him, I am in Him, perfectly in His love and in His grace. This vicious attack taught me a grand lesson which brought  an immense peace and stability to my life because of it. Words I receive and words I reject.

I receive words of correction in love and grace even though they may be strong in nature. I reject that which is said in sarcasm or in anger to undermine my person in Christ. I have done that in years past and I can see plainly now what comes forth from anger and what does not. I speak truth now about this in humility holding myself accountable to my own words coming forth from my mouth. So here I stand......I am not poisonous and you are not unlovely, unworthy, a failure, a mistake, or whatever words of condemnation come to undermine who you are in Christ. You are in process and all of us have days where we regret saying some things or doing some things. That is understandable and thank God for grace. Separate that which is evil from that which is good.