Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Outrageous - Again and Again!

This is a blog. Not teaching or preaching but expression. Outrageous is to be bold and to stand out. I was outrageous when I was younger but then something horrible, terrible, awful happened. I was inducted into religion over time. Told to be a good girl. Told to not rock the boat. Told to BE in the context of what people in the church wanted me to BE. Right now I feel like I am violently shaking off any and all remnants of a coat that simply does not fit. In the process, I am losing people from this list. I am being defriended on Facebook. I get few responses from what I write and no one presses "like" on my FB posts anymore. Sigh!!!! What's a girl to do? :)

But what is the alternative? To BE what people want me to be? To follow the existing norm of Christianity as defined by the leading iconic Charismatic movement. Heck no! I won't say "hell no" for that may upset some religious people. :) It seems that I have tried so hard to fit, that I have lost who and what I am in Christ and I am taking it back and not looking back. Want to follow? I am walking with no regrets and no guilt.

Jesus was outrageous. He was and still is an enigma, not readily understood. He never faded into the woodwork but always stood out for doing outrageous things as He moved around in His day. His life was based upon an outrageous connection with heaven that put His life on earth into the proper perspective. That is where it all starts. To be truly outrageous, you must walk in the earth with a total focus on eternity, an ear to hear and eyes to see. In living an outrageous Christian existence, you live and move and have your being in the reality of Christ Jesus, the finished work of the cross and the shed blood. Such freedom is not found in anyone or anywhere else but in Jesus Christ. 

For  years I have been in transition. The purpose of this transition has become so simple to ME. I realize that I have been transitioning within myself. It has nothing to do with an external transition but an internal movement away from anything that hinders God from moving in me and through me in a new wineskin. I have been filling up with new wine. It has not been external shaking, quaking, chasing conferences, talking about angels and third heaven experiences. No no no! It has been an internal transformation to see a new way and to move a new way. In other words, previous to this time, God was wanting to download new revelation but my internal computer system could not read what He was trying to say. So in this time of transition to return to the norm of outrageous Christianity, I have been re-programmed to see where He is moving and to move that way. Out of the box in every way. 

I am waiting on God in every aspect for my greatest concern is to move ahead of Him in what is predictable and normal rather than to think and move out of the box. I don't want to talk about it anymore but to do it. That is reflected in Rivers of Eden. I don't want to build something that looks like what is out there. So what is it I do want? I want a creative design workroom where people can come into a creative environment to be challenged to grow in their creativity in a revelation of Christ Jesus. This is not easy at the present time for the current norm fights creativity in every aspect. So we are stopping predictable meetings and looking for a small building to rent to decorate a design and Creative House for the Lord. That is step one. I can see it in the Spirit and now I want to see it manifest in reality.

Who shall come to this? I don't know. Time will tell and in this blog you are essentially following my journey in this and I pray it helps you to start your own journey into being outrageous.  :)


  1. Dear Debra!
    I´m not on FB so I can´t "defriend" you even if I wanted. But I don´t. I like you even more sister after this post. :-) And defriending you because you walk in what you are, tells more about them than about you. Their loss. So keep up the good work! I´m very encouraged to be able walk with you along the way. Blessings!


    2. Thanks so much. Your reply is a God send to those us out in the cyber hinterland, holding on to our Lord for our life. It would be so easy to quit this but I can't. His passion and dream burns in me like a fire but it seems that there are many water people out there trying to douse our flame but I keep burning. :)

    3. Thank you thank you thank you. :)

    4. This blog is encouraging for I too am walking a path, similar in many ways to you...Regarding religion, I have observed that those who truly seek His face and that intimacy we were created for with Him, are being taken through a process of being stripped of all religion accumulated in the past. As we are freed from it in our own lives, and He opens our eyes to see it all around us, so shockingly pervasive it is, we do seem to experience more opposition, spiritually 'behind the scenes, as well as through different types of persecution in the natural realm; in my case, even from immediate "born-again spirit-filled" family members. Yet, I cannot disobey my Father's leading nor the inner constraining to keep pushing forward through this next 'invisible battle' within the war we are all engaged in, knowingly or not. His grace is enough to sustain us and when we feel we just can't anymore, a stronger reserve within us is being built than we ever possessed before and somehow, we do keep going and so too, bring a tender smile to our Daddy's face. He will complete that which He started, in and through us, and even though we know all this, as His Word says, we should encourage one another DAILY...I think because we all desperately need it SO. Keep being faithful to His calling and being led by peace - He will send all those to you (and your ministry of creative freedom in Him) which He already determined before the foundation of the world. He knows who each one is...Stand strong and stay the course...your reward is great! Love in Him

  2. I like your writing today.

  3. Most male intercessors are "behind the scenes" and we are here, we are just supporting in a different way! ("Prayer Closet"). Due to various privacy issues on the internet, I don't post very often. God Bless! Numbers 6:24-26 to you, your friends and family! JimF-CalgaryAB

  4. Additional Comments: 1) Follow Jesus! NO MATTER WHAT THE COST! 2) I choose to follow Him and His leading, and our paths cross from time to time! (The Amazing Adventure and Journey Continues!) 3) Continue to Pray and Interceed for each other! (I have never stopped praying for you and Kenya! Have always been in my prayers for you!) 3) Continue to allow the Cleansing and Purging of OLD/NEW! (The wineskins need to be stretched a little more each time!) --- Just a few comments! God Bless! Numbers 6:24-26 to everyone! JimF-CalgaryAB Canada! (Yay!)

  5. Additional Comment: I am OUTRAGEOUS too, and most of my friends/acquaintances don't really understand me.(That's fine, I still choose to walk in Love and continue to Love Jesus, "NO MATTER WHAT")--- God Bless! Numbers 6:24-26 to everyone! --JimF-CalgaryAB Canada (Yay!)

    1. Good going Jim........Jim.......Jim........:) Long time no see brother. We love you and our memories of you are long and fond at your passion for Christ.

  6. Thanks Everyone......I feel in a kick butt mode today. Here is some truth. Whenever one gets ready to go forth, inevitably the enemy tries to distract and side track. For instance, we often get emails from people extolling the virtues of all their ministry assignments while we sit and wonder if anyone know we are alive. It is as if the enemy uses these people and God allows it so send forth these self-proclaimed accolades via email to show us up or to show off. In any case, we are in the midst of this nothingness holding onto God with all we have. He is all we have. We have no following. No finances. Our lists decrease and our ministry never seems to take off. I have no alternative but to follow Him and if He is allowing all this for that purpose then I will live my life only to secure His gaze upon me. Love you all. Ms. Kick Butt

  7. To all "Kick Some Butt" people out there. Go for it and chase some Giants out of the land and go and posess and "Keep" (guard, protect) it. Take back what the enemy has stolen! --- Pruning and Purging is of      THE LORD  let Him continue the process! After your Battles, take a Rest in Him and Re--Energize! Numbers 6:24-26 to everyone! ---JimF-CalgaryAB

  8. Simply looking for like minded people, from the replies they are here. I feel in the spirit, it's overwhelming sometimes, like now these past 2 weeks. He gave me a prophetic, practical and physical work to do, I do it alone. I am so tired, worn out............I post the Revelation he gives along the way, but no one seems to care or listen?????


    Divine-Connections.ning ("URL ends with an Invalid top-level domain name")///??

  9. To my Sister in Christ Dorris, there can be an "OASIS" and a time of Refreshing and Re-Energizing in The LORD. Enjoy the "breather" for now! God Bless! Numbers 6:24-26 to everyone! - JimF-CalgaryAB

  10. Praise God! Surely God has a good plan over our lives and we shall overcome. God timing is the best and God plans are the best.

