Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Bet On The Long Shot!

Bet on the Long Shot! Please don't get all religious on me okay? My dad loved the races and I spent some of my formative years in race tracks- Arlington Park in Chicago was one. I learned a few things during that time which benefit me greatly now.  NO this is not about gambling but about horses. My advice prophetically- gotta BET ON THE LONG SHOT at times rather than go for a sure thing that appears to have better odds. My dad used to bet conservatively because he loved the thrill of the race, not actually the betting. He would say "Bet on the long shot. They look good and u get a better return." I believe that is many of us today. Overlooked, seemingly insignificant in light of iconic ministries abounding today, and basically forgotten yet we are like Secratariat, basically long shots without a proven record, until u let us RUN and then we show our stuff. Watch the video of this great horse via this movie which I believe we need to remember today. I remember watching the real race with my dad, the real deal. I still hear him say "What a great horse!" Anything prophetic you are hearing in this post is supposed to be that way. Prophetic in every way. In my time Lord, let me run.