Monday, October 18, 2010

Cracked Glass and Distorted Vision!

Okay I am keeping you on the edge............radical! :) Changed the picture to the other side. What will she do next? I am in a good mood this morning, smiling and filled with joy - listening to Fred Hammond and just dancing and praying. Selling all our stuff as we leave the Emirates in one month to head back to California (the Bay Area) and our next assignment from the Spirit.

So on to today - what to say? Cracked glass and distorted vision. I lived in a PROTECTED PARADIGM and so do you probably. A paradigm that protects us in a sphere of comfortability - until God listens to a cry that comes from our Spirit one day - MORE LORD! 

Then He smiles and begins to bring about a sanctified destruction of our life to conform us to the image of Jesus Christ. Ouch -  it hurts! But how worth it. Rather than tell you about all the pain and destruction that I have been through in my life, I am choosing righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. I will speak forth that which will bring glory to Him through my broken distorted life that He filled, healed and made whole.

I have been in the desert physically  and spiritually for about 3 years now, traveling between living in Finland and the Emirates. Both are deserts in their own ways and both changed my life. As I lived day by day, wondering, through all the stuff, where exactly was God and what was He doing, I realized that my paradigm was shifting through a massive earthquake, until it began to crack right in front of my eyes. All that I thought I could count on, I realized was shifting and shaking all around me. Props falling before my eyes. I lost friends. I had no ministry. I was separated from family and home. Physical attacks constantly barraged me. I fell into bouts of depression with great spiritual warfare. As Marvin and I were both going through this at the same time, God also saw fit to separate us at times for several months. (I am not talking about our marriage. That is excellent and intact. ) He stayed and worked in the Emirates and I lived in Finland attempting to minister as the Spirit led us as a team. Wow - such pain in Finland but that is another story. We were both 'going through'. 

Now my comfortable paradigm of Christianity was laid open and bare and cracking before my eyes - my vision was distorted and I saw just like that picture of that glass above. I was humbled as God began to reveal how little I knew. Western Christianity has the uncanny ability to form you into its image - the conferences, the images of a diluted God, the books. the distortion, the materialism and on and on. We get wrapped up in a paradigm of seeing Christianity through a distortion. God led me overseas to develop a Kingdom World View with Jesus Christ as the center of my life and my universe.

Living in the Emirates alongside over 125 nations represented here, assumption is deadly and presumption will humiliate you. My paradigms were shaken the moment I left the apartment - language, dress, weather, Islam, Arabs from all over the Middle East, Europeans, Russians, was enough to keep you inside for the day. :) But ones gotta eat!

I read newspapers that exposed me to politics from India, Asia, the Americas, Europe, Africa and all over. I talked to people from so many nations. We had Muslims eat at our table and share with us their lives and their religion. There is so much more and I loved it all. I want to come back and minister in the Middle East as God opens doors.

Paradigms cracking little by little. So what to do? I had an idea from a simple verse of Scripture. All this variety, culture, world view, religion, opinions, belief systems can either make or break you. Tolerance is not a word in my vocabulary. I believe that word is demonic. I am not tolerant but asked the Lord to clear my vision to begin to truly see through a new where the cross took center stage.....slowly it did! I lived this verse day by day....

1 Cor 2: 2 For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. NKJV

I saw Him - everywhere. I heard Him - everywhere. Not behind walls of comfortability but through love and grace and faith - not tolerance or ignorance. I challenged people with my faith - was accepted and rejected. I walked in the midst of Mosques going off and people rushing in malls to prayer times. I got up at 4 in the morning and awakened the dawn as the Mosque call went off. I loved it all. I can say that now.

Hmmmmmmmmm I see Marvin smiling when he reads this...................I did not always say that or believe that but hindsight is of great benefit to me.

More tomorrow.

Christians are not called to opt out as ostriches hiding their head in the sand. Get out there. He is real and He can handle all of it for He sits on the throne now and forever more.

1 comment:

  1. Debra, I have not walked the walk you have my friend but I can so feel this...I understand with a great understanding that is hard to speak. My little world was shook and cracked...broken and left with nothing but shattered head hanging so heavy upon my chest literally. I have been climbing a mountain of HUGE jagged rocks...feet torn and bleeding but climbing none the less and as I look back from this plateau that His hand has reached down and placed me on, I too am looking back with gratitude that He brought me through this so I can see that He is bringing me to that place in Him that I cried out any cost. I remember the day I said that to Him...I remember where I was standing...crying out to Him and knowing that what I asked would bring a heavy cost...scared but knowing that He was the best for me...His way living my way has only brought moments of pleasure but years of pain. I would rather suffer the pain He brings to destroy this self...this flesh...which will ultimately bring me joy, peace and most of all Him...and all that means.
