Sunday, November 28, 2010

Back on Track

Sorry for being off this blog for 3 weeks but so busy getting settled into California. There is NO turning back at this point. After 7 years of being in the wilderness, we are coming full circle back into California to begin a work for the Lord. This way we are going is ONE WAY, His way, one step at a time, no detours, no turning back, just following Him into His future for us.

Arrived in California 3 weeks ago and we are finally settled in with a place to rent, our vehicles ready to go, out of the hotel, waiting for our furniture....all the logistics in place one step at a time and then what.......prayer prayer prayer. It seems to be a huge place we find ourselves in right now. How often we wanted OUT and now that we are, what exactly does that mean? ONE WAY. His way.

There are so many things to write about and I have a lot of time to write, a little at a time, one day at a time. Thanks for being part of my here goes. What to write? My thoughts, God's prophetic words - I will spend the time in prayer before I write so that what I write is not a lot of words but an impartation for you to eat, chew on and walk in the reality of the revelation to YOU. There is a lot God is saying right now so I take a step and say this.....WISDOM. That's all I keep thinking about right now.

Repeat after me..........WISDOM, WISDOM, WISDOM. Wisdom in the person of Christ Jesus will indeed light the path of our WAY now and in the days ahead. Wisdom to navigate through the chaos of the world around us. And I am seeing a lot of it everywhere I look since being back in the States. Wisdom shows the right path, the one way, His way. There are many paths, many options out there but often wisdom points us in the direction of that which is contrary to our natural reasoning. That is why we are back in the States. We are called here by God to trumpet a call that God has put in us. It is WISDOM that has led us here and WISDOM that will lead us one step at a time. Wisdom has a voice in the person of Christ Jesus. It is a precious commodity in the days ahead. Wisdom - can I say it enough? No. WISDOM. More tomorrow Folks. Just want to tell you that I am back on track.


  1. Jesus spoke in Parables, which is one way of transmitting wisdom to us. There are lots of others too. The book of Proverbs contains lots of wisdom for us too! Keep on sharing with us Debra, it's a blessing to read what The LORD is revealing. Numbers 6:24-26 to you & Marvin, your family and friends! God Bless! - JimF-CalgaryAB

  2. So good to have you back on track Debra! I´ve missed your blogposts...
    What you write today made me think of this song:
    God will make a way and we follow in obedience...
    Love you sis! Hillevi
