Sunday, January 29, 2012

Outrageous Creativity in Christ! Monday

Outrageous - very bold; unusual; startling. Let's use this word in a positive sense. How can I make it clear? Hmmm. NOT BORING. Yes, that is it. Have you ever wanted to just be YOU but were stopped due to the demands of life, more life, and even more life. Somewhere deep inside you there is someone wanting to get out? You just want to find that person for you know when you do, your life will change. I want to be outrageously creative in Christ. 

Many often feel challenged and frustrated when their current life does not sync with their desires. So they run here and there searching and looking. Again I want to say that each of us has been born with a desire to be YOU, to be ME, to BE. We run here and there when all along, it is in us. Jesus Christ. 

Remember the Wizard of Oz. Dorothy and the red shoes. At any moment, she could have gone home when she clicked those shoes together but she didn't even know it. That's you. That's me. Jesus Christ is the source of our creativity. He is our life. All along He is here wanting to expand our lives, increase our lives. Yet the majority of Christians seem stuck in a rut of mundane living, tethered to a religion and not a relationship with Jesus. He is reality. He is our creativity. He adds color to life. He puts music in us. He breathes artistic expression in us. He is creative. Selah. (To me that means I take a deep breath and breath at the wonder of that. Ahhhhhhhhh!)

My theme on this blog this week or maybe many weeks - outrageous creativity. Not being bold to draw attention to our selves just to be bold. We see enough of that in reality tv. Not being outrageous to draw a crowd of people to stroke our ego. Being outrageously creative to grab onto the kite strings of life and allow yourselves to soar. In Christ. How awesome is that. This week I am going to focus on outrageous creativity. Inside. I may write 3-4 times this week for this subject burns within me and it is a mandate that i have in life that forms my foundation.  Outrageous creativity in Christ. How does that sound?

Creativity stirs me. Anything creative stirs me. Creative people challenge me, frustrate me but never leave me bored. Hmmmmm seems like people said that about me. I have done a lot of things in life. One can say that as one gets older. Ouch! But, it's a good thing. You see I wanted to be a fashion designer so I took years of fashion design. Then I started taking piano again and love to sit at my piano. Then I also took drawing classes. I have gone the way of many outlets of creativity. When I was young, my father discouraged doing this so I was stifled and lived a life that wasn't me. But, then Jesus Christ came into my life, really came into my life and started to restore the years that seemed lost and I found myself and I am finding myself again in Him. 

Please don't say you are not creative. That is the biggest lie the enemy feeds the church at large and many buy it hook, line and sinker. This next phase of my life I am going to challenge the creativity inside people. Off we go! 


  1. God created us through creativity to be creative. Give Him the Glory by allowing the creativity in you to stir to the surface for Him and not be subdued because of man's religion placed upon you. Amen to all that was written.

  2. God give me the spirit of creativity like you gave during Moses and building of the tabernacle. Whatever comes from you is first hand and it has not been seen or heard. I am a creator through Christ Jesus, I can do all things through Christ who enables me!!!!
