Focusing on time as God gave me a revelation of my own life regarding this subject. I had heard this subject dealt with so many times in messages, prophecies and such but now it is real to me. Read on for the next few days okay and follow my thoughts and I know you will be blessed.
Finland is a struggle to me some days. Culturally it is so different from California. Yet I know God has called us here and never has released us from that call so I obey Him. My struggle is not necessarily always about Finland for I do love it. My struggle is about time, finding meaning in being in Finland, and where we are going in all of this. Time moves on minute by minute, day by day, year by year for each of us. Once it goes, you can't get it back. With that said, it is so important to be in the right place at the right time, doing what God has called you to do, and perfectly positioned in Him. In that, time takes on new eternal meaning even when the days get hard.
As I sat, a bit disturbed yesterday by my surroundings, I found myself speaking to God about it. I said "God, I don't always know where we are going in this and time is moving on. For each minute that passes by, I miss time with my children, my grandchildren, being in a state I love and so much more God. I see time passing me by in Finland and I am losing time that will never be made up for with family that I love and grandchildren that I love. I am not complaining God but please speak to me about this whole situation."
I knew, deep inside, that as I was speaking to God that the most precious commodity on the face of the earth regarding your life is TIME - where you are, what you are doing, who you are with. Is time in your life sanctified by God used for His purpose? For if it is, then it holds creative eternal value. The cares and concerns I have are not that important because God weaves the importance of time in this life so it holds eternal value not only for me but for those in my family, those I meet and so much more. In other words, when I obey God in time, the ramifications of that obedience, even though it may appear to be hard some days, bear an eternal weight of glory and bring pleasure to the Lord. This is all a deep profound paragraph of words but if you follow this and read, you will eventually get what I am saying.
To obey God in time, right here in the earth realm, is very important to me. There are many time bandits that steal my time. There are many days where I feel I waste time. There are days when I feel time is slipping away and at this age, I should have achieved more, done more, had a bigger ministry, made more money and the list goes on and on and on. There are days where time flies and days where time drags by. It all started me to question God about me being in the right time and the right place so things can start to make sense. LIke "Why am I here when my children are so far away? Why am I missing the day to day events in their life? Why am I missing the jokes? The Laughter. The fun. Why?" I am not afraid to ask those questions because I know, deep in my heart, that I have a Father in heaven who absolutely adores me and thinks I am awesome in every way, good days and bad.
There appeared to be a rising tension in me that God had to give a greater revelation of my purpose in this time I find myself in, right here and right now. Why? Because to me, my place in time right now simply does not make sense. Maybe some of you have it all together (she says with smile and laughter) but I don't. I want to serve God and love on Him with all of my heart but there are days when ministry is tough and people are outrageously selfish. Those are days I question God so as to get answers that give new meaning to my life.
Are you intrigued so far? I hope so. More coming tomorrow so read on. I leave you with grace and with a smile.
I am struggling to with the loneliness of it all, I cling to who he said I am cause surrounding me at home at work I receive messages of you are less then, they pound it in me...............I may not believe their reports but he has shown me that their words do have effect. Another thing to walk through. I have shared before here he gave me a prophetic work yes work not word, I search daily for others and can't find them........reading about two thousand years ago doesn't cut it for me, knowing he is moving through people now, I want to share with them.......He has shown me through the work it is time for the two houses of Israel to function as one, they are not it discourages me...................I continue to walk through everything I am supposed to but feel so alone............